Omigod! I feel just like the stars when they win the academy award. We have so many people to thank!
We have to start with our backbone support. The Columbia Lodge Masons were the first to pick up the Robotics Team cause. They've committed to a long term support that we believe is truly going to change our school and the lives of our students.
Then, we got another long term partner when the Associated General Contractors decided that robotics was to be included in their support of our Architecture, Construction and Engineering program. A group of these people show up monthly to support our efforts in the ACE Pathway.
We got generous grants from NASA and Best Buy. It was those grants, CLM and AGC who got us to the regional events and made the team possible this year.
Then, we qualified for the nationals and needed another 16K. I think that was when I emailed my best friend Suzanne and told her our plight. She put it on the Well. Then, Jeffrey emailed me and donated this subscription to TypePad. The trickle started. For a week or so, the 20, 50, 100 dollar donations were coming in and they made us feel really good, but we weren't thinking we could possibly make it to 16K in the short time we had. We have a huge job to do in adding all the names of the donors to this list. You're the people who help us remember that there is a lot of kindness and generosity out there. With the ever decreasing budgets in schools, teachers can despair of how much society cares about education. Thank you for reminding us that a lot of people do care about children and our futures.
Mayme and Izzy got us on KRON 4 and that raised the trickle to a stream. Not only did Wendy do a great job of reporting our story, she sent a check! At some point around that time, Norm at Macromedia got in touch, came over and met the kids and kicked down a big chunk of what we needed to make Atlanta a reality! We're hopeful that a partnership between our school and Macromedia is going to further strengthen the new and burgeoning Pathway Program here at O'C.
I don't even know how we got hooked up with KQED. Angie showed up with a tape recorder and the next thing I knew we're talking about George Lucas asking employees to contribute.
We have a pledge from the Giants and the Exploratorium to donate tickets for a raffle. In addition we must also thank Babylon Burning for giving us reduced prices on our tee-shirts. Our Prinicipal has backed us and written a check to back our initial entry fees for the competition.
Thank you all! We're going to Atlanta! We don't have to take peanut butter and jelly! We have enough to put all the kids in our tee shirts and create a pit atmosphere worthy of our team and its supporters.
Stay tuned for the Silicon Valley regional event news and then our adventure to Atlanta. If you'd like to become a long term robotics sponsor, there are a lot of jobs to be done and we'll be doing this all year long and in a summer program for all students in San Francisco. The community has truly made this possible and you have the promise that it will make a difference to you.